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Results-Driven IP Solutions: Where Technical Skill Meets Legal Expertise

Who We Help


Petitioners and Patent Owners Navigating PTAB Proceedings

Businesses Developing Patent Monetization Strategies

Investors Seeking Patent Licensing Advice

Attorneys Needing Patent Litigation Support

PTAB Experience

More than 40 PTAB proceedings built on over a decade of high-stakes patent litigation experience involving challenging technologies, acting for both patent owners and petitioners.

Deep Technical Expertise

Expertise across a broad range of technologies, including semiconductor manufacturing and packaging, circuit design, digital signal processing, machine learning, wireless protocols, and computational image processing.

Protect Your Rights

Seth represents both patent owners and petitioners. For his patent owner clients. He strives to eliminate patent challenges quickly by identifying flaws in the petition that allow the PTAB to deny institution. When representing the petitioner, Seth carefully scrutinizes the prior art and develops petitions that are thorough and multi-faceted to increase the chances of success.

Big firm experience. Boutique firm dedication.

Patent Disputes

Federal court litigation of patent infringement suits

PTAB Trials

Validity challenges to patents at the PTAB, including IPRs and CBMs

Patent Counseling

Portfolio management, licensing, and strategic counseling

Taking IP to the Next Level

Intellectual property rights can be vital to the success of your business. Peak Access IP combines nearly a decade of big law experience in high-stakes patent litigation with the personalized attention of a boutique law firm. The firm is dedicated to helping clients protect their intellectual property, working tirelessly to provide strategic guidance and leading them decisively through the complex landscape of intellectual property law. Whether helping clients enforce their IP rights through litigation or licensing, or defending clients’ innovations against infringement allegations, Peak Access IP prides itself on providing the highest level of client-focused legal services.